A simple technique that can supercharge your results

Kanak Agrawal
1 min readJun 29, 2023


Are you tired of putting in efforts but not seeing the results? Is self-doubt creeping in?

I know the feeling very well. Here’s what I’ve failed at in the last 6 years:

  • Running a travel blog
  • Building a drop shipping business
  • Growing a newsletter
  • Teaching yoga
  • Freelance writing
  • Creating a podcast
  • Running a thrift store

Why did I fail?

Because I lacked consistency, expected quick results, and gave up when it demanded more time and effort to level up.

But, I learned an invaluable lesson that changed the game.

📈 Compounding!

Making small consistent efforts towards your goal. Like planting seeds and nurturing them to grow into a beautiful garden. That’s the power of compounding!

Believe me, it’s not as tough as it sounds. I’ve been writing consistently on LinkedIn three times a week for the last four months — longer than I’ve stuck with anything before. And you know what? I’m making real progress.

Compounding is pure magic. And you hold the key — show up, consistently!

What’s your goal? Need tips on staying consistent? Drop a comment, and I’ll share something special with you.



Kanak Agrawal

Nomadic Solopreneur | Storyteller | Writer | Writes about slow & experiential travel, earning money online, and personal growth